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Кандидоз. Проблеми та перспективи антифунгальної терапії (частина II)

N. О. Vrynchanu Candidiasis. Challenges and prospects of antifungal therapy (part II)
The review summarizes information about current antifungal agents and promising compounds for development of novel antimycotics.Approved in Ukraine drugs for antifungal therapy include systemic and topical polyenes, azoles, allylamines, echinocandins, grisanes and medications of other classes.Research and development of new perspective compounds (preclinical and clinical trials) are carried out in known classes (azoles, polyenes, ehinocandines) and in other chemicals groups as well. Particularly, orotomide (F901318), benzohidrazide (ВНВМ, D0), celecoxib (AR-12), arylamide (Т-2307), nikkomycin (SP-920704), soldarine (GM-193663, GM-237354) derivatives are on different stages of investigation now. The important advantages of new compounds are broad-spectrum antifungal activity, potency against resistant strains and new mechanisms of action, which will ensure a slower development of resistance to them after medicines’ approval for clinical practice. The presented review indicates a need of antimycotic drug development in the field of well-known and novel chemical classes and reflects further progress of antifungal chemotherapy.

Key words: fungi, candidiasis, mycoses, antifungal agents

(5) (PDF) Кандидоз. Проблеми та перспективи антифунгальної терапії (частина II). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329444006_Kandidoz_Problemi_ta_perspektivi_antifungalnoi_terapii_castina_II [accessed Mar 09 2021].

Источник: https://pharmtox-j.org.ua/index.php/pharmtox-j/issue/view/27/27
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: natali72grynchuk (23.03.2021)
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